We are in:
C / Tinamús, 20 Bajo Dcha. Entrance through C / Benito Prieto
Telephone: 34 915 062 830
E-mail. federacion@tirolimpico.org
Customer service hours:
Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Given the situation of the health crisis caused by the advance of COVID-19, the headquarters of the Royal Spanish Federation of Olympic Shooting will remain closed until further notice.
RFEDETO workers will continue to work normal hours, thanks to teleworking, and may be contacted through official channels: email and landline (switchboard) at the corresponding extensions.
RFEDETO follows the prevention measures set by the competent authorities and, consequently, assumes individual responsibility through the teleworking of its workers.
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Royal Spanish Federation of Olympic Shooting - C / Tinamús, 20 Bajo Dcha. Entrance by C / Benito Prieto - 28019 Madrid
Tef: 915062830 - Fax: 915273721
Customer service hours:
orMonday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Copyright © 2016 - RFEDETO, All rights reserved.