* The information shown below is still subject to the approval of the competent Bodies, so it should be taken as a simple advance of the training structure that is being developed. This information may undergo changes during its preparation and approval process.
As established in Article 77 of the RFEDETO Statutes, the Spanish Shooting School is the organically and administratively dependent technical body of the Royal Spanish Federation, which is governed by its Organic Regulations, approved by the Delegate Commission, whose purpose is the formation, training and permanent updating of athletes, judge-referees and technical trainers, in collaboration with the administration of the state and the autonomous communities.
Composition of the EET Board of Directors.
President of the Royal Spanish Federation of Olympic Shooting
Royal Spanish Federation of Olympic Shooting - C / Tinamús, 20 Bajo Dcha. Entrance by C / Benito Prieto - 28019 Madrid
Tef: 915062830 - Fax: 915273721
Customer service hours:
orMonday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
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